Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Hello and welcome to shapesandslumber!

This is probably my nth attempt at trying to keep a "proper", "professional-looking" blog, given my short attention span in styles and interests. But now I feel like I've sort of settled into my tastes and interests. Yes, things may change up a little here and there and might even (eek!) fall victim to trends, but I feel like I've come to a stage where there will always be "go-to" styles and aesthetics. I've been at Blogger since I was barely nine, but I haven't been one to diligently blog about things. Tumblr took hold of me for five years or so but didn't offer text-heavy posts. So here I am, more than a decade later, on Blogger once more.

This blog is going to be a place where I talk about Graphic art & design and music, two things that continually inspire me and keep me chugging on as I navigate my way around life. Being a Design communication student I also hope to keep this as consistent as possible as a process journal of sorts. I hope you'd enjoy my creative process/inspiration updates, as I do running this blog!

More to come soon...

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